The TODA DRUGDIAG ® Strips - Multidrogues range includes immunochromatographic tests on a urine dipping cassette making it possible to detect the presence of up to 12 different drugs. The test is based on a competition method that identifies a specific antibody.
Quick to use and easy to interpret tests
Interpretation time: 5 minutes
Use without pipette
Sampling: urine
Complete kit including:
25 tests in dipping cassette format
Urine containers (optional)
Detailed instructions
Reliable and secure results
The Toda Drugdiag Strip test allows you to obtain reliable results thanks to its high specificity and high sensitivity. The test is supplied in single sachets so that you can adapt your consumption according to the number of people to be screened and avoid wasting your kits. Additionally, the assay does not require a pipette and the assay cap helps protect the assay handler to prevent contamination.
Easy to use and interpret
Toda Drugdiag Strip is a detection test in just 2 steps allowing the operator to choose the exact moment to start the diagnosis. Its interpretation procedure is directly indicated on the test so that you can analyze the test results as easily as possible.