Sensory routines are of great importance in both oculo-podalic and ocular-manual motor coordination, as well as stimulating balance and the correct position of the body in the spatio-temporal dimension. The particular conformation of the HalfBall ø 14 cm makes the anchor to the floor safe and exercise difficulty can be simply changed by varying tool pressure.
Choose your difficulty
The raised lines on the surface provides an intense proprioceptive and reflexogenic action. The semi-balls are especially indicated in pre-ski workouts, sports team sports preparations, in proprioceptive and balance exercises, in postural gymnastics and rehabilitation following physiotherapy rehabilitation in ankle pathologies.
The production processes and operating methods are developed with a view to sustainability and optimisation: all of their aspects are certified to guarantee the quality of the products dedicated to our customers, to make Tonkey the health and well-being brand
Research, innovation and attention to detail for an effective, safe and colourful experience. Choose the colours you prefer from those proposed and the right size for your needs.
The best products for health, wellness and your happiness