A dissolution test is a means of identifying and proving the availability of active drug materials in their delivered form. A dissolution test simulates the availability of active substance and allows the prediction of the time for complete release of the material from the dosage form.
A dissolution test is a means of identifying and proving the availability of active drug materials in their delivered form. A dissolution test simulates the availability of active substance and allows the prediction of the time for complete release of the material from the dosage form.
ToronPharma TTdisso series of Dissolution Testers are the most efficient dissolution instruments in the market, specially designed with the end-user in mind. They are simple to operate with features that make analyst training and lab integration easy. TTdisso8 and TTdisso14 are not only ideal for manual testing but can be easily integrated with our automated system and ToronSOFT Dissolution Software.
ToronPharma TTdisso8 and TTdisso14 complies with current USP, IP, Ph, Eur and JP specifications. The automatic stirrer height positioning for USP 1, 2, 5, 6 intrinsic test methods and also allows users specified height. The machine comes with 20 programmable protocols and 24 programmable sampling intervals. Bath temperature range between 30℃ to 40℃ is controlled with an accuracy of ±0.1℃. With the isolated water circulating pump, the water bath temperature could be controlled precisely. User-friendly design allows the water bath to be cleaned and emptied easily, also minimize routine validation.