Due to successful implant planning and aesthetical upper structure the usage of a radiological guide is important both for dental surgeon and the patient. To determine the thickness of the soft tissue and choosing the right abutment, Nt Radiopaque Teeth enables to provide most accurate results for its users.
USING AREAS: All-on-4 Applications / Implants
Special production for dental radiographically works
Smart feedback for dental surgeons & implantologists
Powered & designed by NT Tooth Line Technology
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The implant applications do not give successful results, if the implant planning is made without knowing the upper structure. Therefore, the upper structure must be planned first. Using the radiopaque teeth, a temporary prothesis is prepared according to patient’s occlusion. In this way, a radiological guide is obtained. Whether panoramic or DVT analysis methods are used, the upper structure will be visible on the film. The localisation of the anatomical structure by using the radiopaque teeth will increase the variations of implant planning. So, the harmony between the radiopaque teeth and the bone trajectory is determined. Radiological navigation has a fundamental importance for planning surgery guide. Also, there will be no need to prepare another temporary prothesis for the patient.
In conclusion, for a successful implant planning and estetical upper structure, the usage of a radiological guide is important both for the surgeon and the patient.