Digital personal bench top incubators/chillers/freezers. Large sample capacity.
The completely solid-state large, Heavy-Duty, Digital, Electronic Chilling/Heating Dry Bath is versatile, reliable and easy to use. The IC30 has simple digital controls and a two line alphanumeric digital display that is backlit for easy reading.
The chilling/heating surface is a 5” (12.7 cm) square aluminum plate that is very flat for optimal contact with your sample. When unloaded, the plate surface will reach below 0°C in under two minutes. It will also heat to 37°C in approximately 3 minutes. This rate of chilling or heating may vary with the load on the plate. For instance, temperatures down to 4.0°C can be reached on a solid aluminum block in less than one hour. When insulated, these large blocks can be driven below 0°C. Temperature gradients from the center to the edge of any aluminum block mentioned will be less than 0.5°C at any temperature.
Sample covers are available for covering aluminum blocks.
Energy-efficient Peltier design
Digital control to 1°C from -20°C to 100°C without sample block
Control at ambient
Built-in data logger
Count down timer (up to 30 days) with audible alarm and user settable Auto-Off
RS232 I/O port for data collection
Electronic calibration. Factory set, but user can set to any local standard
Small, compact size. Uses very little bench space
12-volt DC operation. External power supply provided
12-month warranty
UL, CSA and CE compliant