The Straight Shooter ligature gun provides a safe, convenient. hygienic means of applying elastomeric ligatures to edgewise brackets. Eliminâtes soft tissue damage that can be caused by hemostats or other instruments or by broken or slipped ligatures.
Two sizes are available. The mini bracket shooter is for mini and single-wing brackets and the twin bracket shooter is for standard, twin-size brackets.
High performance, thermoplastic material is very strong and canReady
withstand autoclaving and heat sterilization.
Straight Shooter Ligature Guns
100-357 Twin Bracket Straight Shooter 100-359 Mini Bracket Straight Shooter
Replacement Materials
100-363 Mini Bracket Plunger Kit - plunger and 4 wire fingers 100-364 Straight Shooter Assembly / Disassembly Tool 100-365 Twin Bracket Plunger Kit - plunger and 4 wire fingers
Straight Shooter® Ligature