The HVT100 Endovascular Flowmeter and ReoCath® Flow Catheter measure intra-access flow (mL/min) in AV fistulas and grafts to provide objective, on-the-spot, quantitative feedback to help assess the functionality of the vascular access and/or confirm the success of angioplasty or a banding procedure.
Single-use antegrade or retrograde ReoCath Flow Catheters use thermal dilution technology to measure flow. A ReoCath Flow Catheter filled with 10 cc of sterile saline is inserted through a 6F introducer into the vascular access to produce a direct, real-time reading of access flow. At the outset of an intervention, such measurements indicate whether angioplasty is truly necessary, or whether flow is sufficient. During an intervention, intra-access flow measurements provide objective functional data to guide the angioplasty or banding in achieving its target flow goal. At the end of the intervention, intra-access flow measurements with a ReoCath and HVT100 can indicate whether there has been elastic recoil of the vessel. Flows can be documented for the patient record to be compared with subsequent vascular access flows measured during hemodialysis.