The TraumaFX® APL-C can be used during the crawl phase of training. It trains responders to perform life-saving tasks such as maintaining a patient’s airway, needle decompression, cricothyroidotomy, and Intraosseous (I/O) infusion. Airway management Intubation Oropharangeal Airway (OPA) Nasopharengeal Airway (NPA) Cricothyroidotomy Needle Decompression Intraosseous (I/O) infusion Simulated wounds Highly realistic visual and tactile stimuli Nasal passageways for nasopharyngeal intubation Oral airway cavity with teeth and tongue for use with supraglottic airways Simulated cricothyroidotomy with larynx and single and multiple use, replaceable skin plugs Realistic manubrium allows intraosseous (I/O) training with fluid infusion Simulated gunshot entrance and exit wounds|