SpaceD Radioprotection Aprons are designed strategically using a high-tech fabric that absorbs and disperses excess body heat to maintain a balanced body temperature. By managing body heat, SpaceD delays the onset of sweat, which helps you stay comfortable and dry even during long surgical procedures.
The microencapsulated technology that manages temperature, heat, sweat, and moisture can make one feel relax while performing long surgical procedures in operating rooms.
Thermal Comfort with SpaceD
Microencapsulated technology uses phase change materials to offer optimal thermal comfort. The phase change materials are microencapsulated and covered with a polymer shell making them durable for many applications. This helps the product to regulate skin microclimate and as the skin got hot the heat is absorbed and cools as the heat is released.
SpaceD buffers temperature swings to prevent sweating.
Absorbs, stores, and releases heat for optimal thermal comfort
Absorbs excess body heat to prevent sweating
Help maintain a comfortable & balanced body temperature
Antimicrobial with silver nano-particles