Fully Automatic Random Access Bench Top Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Up to 600 photometric tests/hour, max. 720 tests/hour with optional ISE unit
Sample volume : 2 to 100 μI/tests (in increments of 0.2 μI)
Sample tray : 95 (5 racks x 19 positions) ID barcode equipped positions for routine, stat and control samples and standard solutions.
Primary tube (13 mm diameter, length up to 100 mm)
Pediatric vial
Blood collection tubes
Maximum number of simultaneous tests : 36 double to 72 single reagent tests + 3 with optional ISE unit
1 to 3 reagents, 2 to 500 μl/tests each (in increments of 1 μl) final total solution volume 180 to 500 μl/test
Reagent bottle capacities : 72 cooled positions
Barcode Reader for reagents
Water consumption : 3 l/hour
Warm air incubator : room, 30°C an 37°C
Reaction cuvette : reusable plastic 6 mm light path cuvettes
Reaction time : 0 to 10 min.
Reaction temperature : 37°C +/- 0.1°C
Mixing : After dispensing each reagent
End point with reagent blank
Factor or standard calibration modes
Priority selection by sample (profile) or by reagent (batch)
Calibration curve with up to 10 standards
Automatic curve fit
Fast and two-point kinetics (zero and first order)
Routine, batch, STAT, profiles
Enzymes, Drugs, Turbidimetric tests
Automatic sample dilution on abnormal levels, excessive substrate consumption and/or lack of linearity