Clinical Chemistry Reagents Kits .
Comprehensive test menus for enzymes, substrates & specific protein parameters.
Customized & pre-measured pack size configuration.
Parameter reagents available in ready-to-use liquid, stable & lyophilised powder format.
Specially designed mono vial [1 ml] reagent range provides ease of convenience in analysis.
Parameter available with different selection of methods (IFCC or DGKC).
Reagent provides precise sensitivity, wide measurement range & long shelf life stability.
Long working reagent & on board stability for precise automated analysis.
Each parameter offer low Interference & ATCS ensure minimized turbidity cause by Lipemia.
Suitable for semi & fully automated analyzer application with high sensitivity of detection.
Special chemistry / turbidimetry range [available upon request].
Power reagent format [available upon request].
CE marked reagents ensure best quality Reagents to suit your laboratory requirements