Much deeper application, making it possible to reach muscular layers.
HiFu – high-intensity focused ultrasound
More elastic, brighter and smoother skin, regeneration of the skin without resorting to surgery.
Unlike lasers and radio frequency, HiFU technology operates at a deeper level, making it possible to reach muscular layers.
Equipped with a scanner for capturing diagnostic images in real time and a dual handset – Body or Fineliner – depending on the face or body area to be treated.
Non-surgical face lift to tackle skin imperfections
Skin rejuvenation and improvement in texture
Treatment requiring no anaesthetic, needles or stitches
Safe, fast, pain-free treatment for all skin types
No side effects, hospital stays or post-operative stress
Numerous programs to treat any skin condition
Handsets designed to reach different depths during the same treatment session
US penetration depth in the skin from 1 to 11 mm
Ultrasound scanner with intuitive, user-friendly interface
What it resolves
Cellulite and conditions linked to more persistent adipose layers