The Adult Head (Static) Phantom is designed to be suitable for medical imaging of foreign static objects such as small bone pieces, shrapnel, bullets, and any other metal or non-metal targets. The phantom is designed based on an average anatomy of a human male head, and it is made out of realistic soft and hard tissue-mimicking materials suitable for Ultrasound, MRI, and X-Ray/CT applications.
The materials used to build this phantom are stable with time, and they do not dry out. The skull bone has a realistic three-layered structure with an inner diploe layer.
In terms of MRI applications, the phantom tissues have realistic T2 relaxation time values, which makes this product to be the best fit for any T2-weighted MRI imaging methods. Very good results can also be achieved with Proton Density imaging methods. The phantom can be still imaged with T1-weighted methods, but the T1 values are less realistic, and they are within the range of about 100 ms.
• Realistic Skull Phantom
• Realistic Brain Phantom
• Gray Matter
• Small Static Objects (0.5mm, 1mm, 2mm, 3mm Diameters)
• Cervical Spine