Hepatitis B is accepted as a significant global health prob- lem seen globally, where the effects of the disease are seen as highest in the Western Pacific Region, the African Region, and the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Prevention of hepatitis B is possible with a safe and effec- tive vaccine that provides 98% to 100% protection. Less than 5% of people who become infected with hepatitis B in adulthood will develop chronic hepatitis. In contrast, ap- proximately 95% of people who become infected during in- fancy or early childhood will develop chronic hepatitis, which shows the importance of infant and child immunization.
The presence of anti-HBs is generally interpreted as a marker for immunity to hepatitis B after recovery from the HBV infection. Also, successfully vaccinated individuals de- velop antibodies against Hepatitis B (Anti-HBs).
Turklab’s Anti-HBs Test is a rapid, immunochromato- graphic assay for the qualitative detection of antibodies against Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) in hu- man serum, plasma, and whole blood samples.
• The presence of anti-HBs is generally considered for recovery and immunity from HBV infection.
• Anti-HBs positivity also means that the patient might have been vaccinated.