Horizontal Flow Wrapper (HFFS) that makes a totally hermetic and leak proof three sealing pillow pack for meat and poultry packing in trays. Specifically designed to work with stretch shrink films.
The new FS 400 system is a stretch shrink wrapper that produces a case ready "leak
proof" pack for meat and poultry products in trays.
This packaging system is formatted to produce packs with excellent aesthetics. Thus, the FS 400 is equipped with a system that stretches the film and forms a tight bag around the product, while an aspiration system evacuates the excess of air from the pack before the seals are created (avoiding the need for any holes in the pack for air evacuation during the shrinking process). The seals are created by a longitudinal trim seal system and a hot bar seal jaw that produces really narrow seals. The narrow longitudinal trim seal on the bottom of the pack, allows printing on both the top and the bottom of the pack. The final result is a tightly wrapped leak proof case-ready pack with a superb aesthetic appearance.
User friendly machine operation and product changes.
High water protection rate to ensure sanitization and cleaning processes.
Ultra-realiable machine.
Reduced cost of ownership.