ASEPTOR Basic 236 ensures highest level of air microbial purity in the room. Flow UV-C lamp ASEPTOR protects people against infections from the air. ASEPTOR supports doctors, medical staff and patients over hard times of pandemic. Germicidal effectiveness and safety for people make ASEPTOR perfect solution not only for medical application, but also daily life at schools, offices, shops, beauty salons and many more. Protection provided by ASEPTOR is required every time when there is a threat of infections spreading by the air, for instance autumn and winter (influenza season).
exceptionally quiet (fan noise level < 20 dB)
extremely effective
safe and user friendly
perfect UV-C flow lamp for doctor’s office, beauty salon or home
scientifically tested and certified
ASEPTOR is completely safe for people and animals. It is a certified, safe flow UV-C germicidal lamp.
ASEPTOR mounted on the wall maintain effective disinfection of air in the room. Its modern design enriches the aesthetics of the room. Electrical wire can be easily hidden behind the lamp, that is why device looks really good on the wall (or ceiling).
Lamp type: ASB 236 W - wall-mounted
Supply voltage: 230V, 50Hz
UV-C bulb type: 2 x PL-L TUV36W (or 2 x HNS-L 36W 2G11)
UV-C bulb durability (h): 9 000h
Fan efficiency: 80 m3/h
Disinfected cubature: 90 m3
Fan volume: < 20 dB
Anti-shock protection class: I
Casing type: IP20
Class for the medical environment: B - home
Group according to PN-EN 55011 Clause 5: 1
Compliance with PN-EN 60601-1: YES