Mesoporation. Innovative. Effective. Genial.
In the field of dermaceutical and aesthetic cosmetic treatments, mesoporation is currently a very innovative and effective method to transport the active and highly molecular active ingredients into deep skin layers without injuring the skin.
Mesoporation is based on the electroporation process. Rapid electrical impulses create a field of tension, causing tiny moisture channels to be opened in the skin for a fraction of a second. The absorption capacity of the skin increased by a hundredfold due to mesoporation and the topically applied active ingredients can practically penetrate the skin cells entirely.
Even deeper penetration than this has been achieved so far by the use of iontophoresis or ultrasound. Significantly enhanced and more sustainable results can be attained with regard to efficacy which are often visible and perceptible after the first treatment.
Mesoporation is an absolutely gentle process free from unwanted side effects as no injury is inflicted on the skin as is the case with micro-needle rollers or injection pistols, for example, in the familiar mesotherapy. Therefore unattractive side effects such as hematoma or weals and swelling cannot occur.
Highly effective anti-aging preparations like hyaluron, collagen and vitamins, which are selectively introduced into the skin cell, ensure an internal padding and tightening of the skin, with the effect that the complexion appears considerably firmer and dewier after only one treatment.
REDUCTION of wrinkles and lines
SMOOTHING and REJUVENATION of the complexion
ENHANCEMENT of the skin volume
PREVENTION of rapid skin aging
RAPID visible and sustainable results