The simulator is designed to simulate both supine and lateral positions, facilitating the simulation of all oblique and lateral anterior approaches to the lumbosacral spine.
ALIF (Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion)
OLIF (Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion)
XLIF (Extreme Lumbar Interbody Fusion, AKA LLIF, Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion)
Features Available:
Dual Surgical Position
Compatible with Standard X-Ray and CT-Scan
Mobile X-Ray (with Neurosurgery App)*
Scientific Information
Here you can find all the ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES included in this simulator.
L2 to S1 vertebrae
L2 to S1 Discs
Peritoneal sac
Abdominal Muscles
Psoas Muscle
Iliac crest
Genitofemoral nerve
Floating rib
Spinal Cord
Inguinal ligament
Surgical Capabilities
Skin incision
Hyperrealistic skin with bleeding upon incision, featuring multiple layers of suturable epidermis and subcutaneous tissue
Layer by layer soft tissue dissection
Blunt dissection to expose subcutaneous planes and reveal the abdominal muscle
Fascia incision
Hyperrealistic muscle/fascia layer to be opened with scissors and dissected in the layer beneath the muscle
Abdominal muscle dissection
Hyperrealistic muscle layer to be dissected with scissors of blunt dissection
Mobilisation of Peritoneum
In the ALIF, to expose the retroperitoneal space
Psoas dissection
In the XLIF, to access the discs Discectomies 4 (L2-S1)
Multiple discectomies
Nerve root decompression through discectomies feasible from L2 to S1 (4 discectomies, L2-3, L3-4, L4-5, L5-S1)
Multiple corpectomies
Total corpectomy feasible from L2 to L5 (5 corpectomies)