Cordguard™ is an innovative all-in-one unified system designed for umbilical cord clamping, cutting and blood sampling/collection. It provides an excellent neonatal blood sample while minimizing clinician exposure to blood, and a secured cord can help deliver the placenta.
Quick and easy 4-step activation.
Enclosed collection reservoir for obtaining clean, uncontaminated umbilical cord blood.
Fully enclosed sharps.
Reliable, secure cord clamp.
Ergonomic handle assists in delivery of placenta.
Protective sheath keeps tubes clean for labeling.
Two vacuum tubes conveniently slide from handle when full.
"There are a number of instances where the collection of blood from the neonate is difficult or impossible, thus placing strong emphasis on the collection of umbilical cord blood from every delivery." Source: The Collection of Umbilical Cord Blood, Communicore, 1992
"Cord blood is the best medium for general purpose diagnostic tests indicative of status in the neonate."
— Routine blood work (i.e. Type, pH, CBC, Direct coombs)
— Infectious diseases
— Abnormalities/fetal status
— Atopic allergies
— Detection of heavy metals (i.e. Lead)
— Genetic analysis
Potential applications of cord blood are broader in scope and include:
— Generation of red blood cells
— Gene therapy