Many people meet at their workplace on a daily basis and they are in constant interaction with each other. In order to enable them to work in a healthy and safe environment, air renewal plays a crucial role. Bacteria, VOCs and viruses circulate there and although daily aeration is strongly recommended, it is also necessary to ensure continuous air purification. By preventing the risk of disease and contagion within the premises of your company, you will thus protect the health of your collaborators and/or your customers.
At UVRER we have developed Siluxe, an air purification solution by photocatalysis and ultraviolet technology capable of treating up to 100m3 of air in 1 hour. This device kills bacteria and viruses present in a room and therefore ensure optimal collective hygiene. The Siluxe is a solution that respects the health of its users and can be used throughout the day, in the presence of individuals.
Efficiency certified at 99.96%
against Coronavirus
Over an operating period of 5 min in position “I”, the Siluxe air purifier of the ANEMO range from UVRER eliminate 99.96% of the human Coronavirus 229E present in the air of the enclosure test. It is a stonger strain and very similar to SARS-CoV-2 (this one is prohibited to handling). The test protocol was carried out three times in a row by an independent French reference laboratory specializing in microbiology. Scientific studies have therefore made it possible to provide concrete proof of the effectiveness of Siluxe on a coronavirus strain and thus provide our customers with an answer to their problems and concerns.