full advantage of ATEX chemistry diaphragm pumps with separator AK and emission condenser EK
VARIO®: short process times due to hysteresis-free VARIO® vacuum control
VARIO®: VARIO® pump operates on demand only as fast as necessary – minimal power consumption, extended maintenance intervals, silent operation
VARIO®: vacuum controller VACUU·SELECT (optional) for precise vacuum control and fully automatic processes
ATEX vacuum sensor and Connection Box 100 for easy installation – from one source
VARIO® chemistry diaphragm pump in action
With the new ATEX VARIO® chemistry diaphragm pumps and vacuum systems, the vacuum can be precisely controlled by the motor speed. The VARIO® pump is driven by an additional control signal line. The optional vacuum controller VACUU·SELECT with ATEX vacuum sensor and Connection Box 100 enable fully automatic evaporations without the need for parameter settings or user programming. With the adaptive control it finds the boiling pressure independently and adjusts the vacuum continuously and optimally according to the vapor pressure. The vacuum controller and the Connection Box 100 are installed in a non-hazardous area.
Technical data and graphs
ATEX conformity - Pumping chamber (pumped gases): II 2G Ex h IIC T3 Gb X, Environment with inert purge gas: II 2G Ex h IIB T4 Gb X, Environment without inert purge gas: II 3G Ex h IIB T4 Gc X, Motor: II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb -
NRTL certification - No -
Items supplied - Pumping unit with two motors (with control and mains cables at each of the two motors) and inlet separator and emission condenser completely mounted, ready for use, with manual.