In the past, healthcare providers have been taught wound care through high-quality photographs and video. ‘Pat’ Pressure Injury Staging Model™ brings wound care alive in a way that even the best of photographs cannot. The model displays the following pressure injuries (per NPUAP 2016 – National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel): Stage 1 (in both darkly and lightly pigmented skin), Stage 2, Stage 3 with undermining, tunneling and slough, a shallow Stage 4 over the malleolus with exposed bone and tendon, and an unstagable eschar/slough wound. The darkly pigmented skin section shows how different a Stage 1, blood blister and DTPI (Deep Tissue Pressure Injury) may appear depending on the skin pigmentation.
This comprehensive model displays the following pressure injuries: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 with undermining, tunneling and slough, a shallow Stage 4 over the malleolus with exposed bone and tendon, and an unstageable eschar/slough wound.
Allows for medical professionals to visualize and understand the differences in wounds.