5minTM Universal Ligation Mix is a ready-to-use 2× premix that mixes enzyme and Buffer. It contains T4 DNA ligase, which catalyzes the formation of adjacent 5´-phosphate ends and 3´-hydroxyl ends on double-stranded DNA or RNA to form phosphate diphosphates. Ester bond. This kit is not only suitable for sticky end ligation, but also compatible with DNA ligation with blunt ends and single-base overhanging ends. The optimized connection enhancer and reaction buffer make the reaction more efficient and convenient. The reaction can be quickly connected at 25°C for 5 minutes. The ligation product can directly transform a variety of chemically competent cells.
Product Advantages
Compatible: compatible with sticky ends, smooth ends, TA connection, Linker or Adapter connection;
Fast: 25℃, 5 minutes can be connected quickly;
High efficiency: High cloning efficiency.