Focurose 4FF is suitable for component separation and moderate purification of biomacromolecules (removal of small molecule impurities), such as viral particles, large molecular proteins, recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen, polysaccharides, and macromolecular complexes.
High (physicochemical) stability, high flow rate (component separation), and high recovery rate (up to 95%)
Mild elution conditions that preserve the biological activity and functionality of biomacromolecules
Easy to scale up
Easy to maintain
Highly cross-linked 4% agarose
Particle size range
Average particle size (D50)
Separation range (globular proteins)
60-20000 kDa
pH stability
2-12 (long-term) 2-14 (short-term)
Chemical stability
2M sodium hydroxide, 70% ethanol, 30% isopropanol, 30% acetonitrile, 1% SDS, 6M guanidine hydrochloride, 8M urea
Linear flow velocity (0.3 MPa)
≥250 cm/h
Maximum pressure
0.3 MPa
Storage solution
20% ethanol