FC S Series Flocculators with Independent Positions
Flocculators with 4 or 6 independent positions that allow standard conditions to be adopted for Jar Test.
Precise and Easy to use
Speed can be changed during the run
Illuminated back panel to simplify sample observation
Stirring rods adjustable in height without tools
Reliable and repeatable results from VELP stirring quality
Precise speed from an electronically controlled DC gear motor
Strong resistance to chemical and mechanical corrosion
Independently selectable speeds 10-15-30-45-60-90-120-150-200-300 rpm
Same product can be submitted to different conditions in parallel
Choice of 4- or 6-place models
What is JAR TEST?
Jar testing is a pilot-scale test of the treatment chemicals used in a particular water plant.
It simulates the coagulation/flocculation process in a water treatment plant, helping the operator in the determination of the right amount of treatment chemicals, and, thus, in improving the plant’s performance.
Jar testing entails adjusting the amount of chemicals and their sequence in which they are added. The sample requires to be stirred so that the formation, development, and settlement of floc can be watched just as it would be in the fullscale treatment plant.
The operator then performs a series of tests to compare the effects of different amounts of flocculation agents at different pH values to determine the right size floc.