VermaCitra Concentrates are specialized acidic dialysis concentrates that incorporate citric acid, offering all the foundational benefits of conventional concentrates with several enhanced advantages
Reduced Thrombosis Episodes
These concentrates significantly limit the occurrence of thrombosis during dialysis sessions, promoting smoother and safer treatments.
Decreased Heparin Usage
The need for heparin is reduced, which minimizes the risk of complications such as osteoporosis, dyslipidemia, hyperkalemia, and Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) syndrome.
Lower Risk of Bleeding Complications
Particularly beneficial for post-operative patients, these concentrates decrease the likelihood of bleeding complications, offering a safer dialysis option.
Enhanced Filter Functionality
Citric acid acts as a local anticoagulant on the filter membrane, increasing its active surface area. This improvement allows for more effective dialysis of low and medium-molecular-weight substances, enhancing treatment efficacy.
Improved Management of Acidosis, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress
VermaCitra concentrates provide better control over acidosis, reduce inflammation, and manage oxidative stress more effectively, contributing to overall patient health during dialysis.
Enhancement of Anemia and Nutrient Status
These concentrates contribute to improving anaemia and nutrient balance, supporting better overall health status for patients.
Haemodynamic Stability
They help maintain stable hemodynamics during dialysis, which is critical for patient safety and comfort.