The flexible and easily adaptable VarioPro Braille display is developed with the frequently changing workplace and higher education settings in mind. VarioPro is equipped with 80 braille cells and innovative, thumb operated roll bars that provide the user with uninterrupted reading and provide quicker orientation to the information that appears on the computer screen. New job functions can be added, leading to needed changes in the work environment. VarioPro can grow with a person´s skills and expertise in all such situations
Arguments that speak for VarioPro 80:
Innovative modular concept
Flexible and ready for the future
Wide range of different functional modules for highly demanding workplaces
Maximum user comfort and high workflow-efficiency
High-quality finish and reliable technology
Technical specifications and Downloads
Key features
80 braille cells with integrated cursor routing
3 navigation keys left and 3 navigation keys right of Braille display
4 roll-bars with key-function on front side
By means of a screen reader COBRA, JAWS, WindowEyes and others
PC and MAC