EndoSheath® Esophagoscopy is the latest substitute to traditional Esophagoscopy (TNE) measures. This is the first time that physicians are getting the assistance of a superior functioning of endoscopic imaging and functionality. Not only that, but the physicians also get the efficient support of the advanced EndoSheath® Technology which is exceptionally a sterile and disposable alternative for reliable endoscopy. By providing the utmost effectiveness, sterility and affordability, EndoSheath® Esophagoscopy provides one of the most realistic techniques for esophageal diagnostics. In any settings the TNE procedure permits instantaneous examination of the esophageal anatomy as it enables the physician to perform effortlessly and the patient can also tolerate the device easily. The TNE-5000 Esophagoscope is the exclusive video esophagoscope which never gets in touch with the patient. Not only these, but the EndoSheath® Technology also provides a robust and shielding barrier along with a disposable working channel. This channel helps in moving any kind of patient’s stuff and appliances including tissue samples to biopsy forceps in the disposable sheath. The TNE-5000 is a perfect digital Esophagoscopy that is ultra-moveable and versatile.