8 out of 10 people use their inhalers incorrectly1. The Vitalograph AIM™ (Aerosol Inhalation Monitor) is designed to assist medical practitioners in training patients to use their inhaler correctly. Mastery of the correct technique will support more accurate drug delivery, helping patients get the full benefit of their medication.
The AIM validates good technique in the use of both DPI and MDI inhalers. Using a hygienic, single-use disposable inhaler simulator, AIM provides clear feedback and information to support correct technique including:
Inspiratory acceleration at start of inspiration
Timing of firing of MDI
Inspiratory flow rate throughout inspiration
Inhalation time within target flow range
Breath-hold time at end of inhalation
The Vitalograph AIM is an ideal tool to facilitate conversations around medication adherence with patients because it shows how far medication is inhaled into the lungs. The parts of the inhalation process which are difficult to observe by eye are highlighted and a visual reference of the drug delivery is displayed on the device.
Provides clear feedback and instructions to patient and trainer on improving technique
Assists in identifying the most suitable inhaler type for a patient
Easy to use, hygienic and low cost
Embeds the habit of good technique which can be transferred to the active inhaler
Supports both pMDI (‘slow and steady’) and DPI (‘fast and deep’) inhalers
Mastering inhaler technique results in better disease management