The function of a Spheronizer (Marumerizer) is to convert extrudes into spheroids. Spheronization is the necessary second step of granulation by extrusion – spheronization process where pharmaceutical products are made into small spheres or spheroids.
The function of a spheronizer is to convert extrudes into spheroids. Spheronization is the necessary second step of granulation by extrusion – spheronization process where pharmaceutical products are made into small spheres or spheroids.
Spheronizer consists of a plate, which is having a special cross-hatched groves, known as chequered plate. This plate rotates inside a cylindrical bowl.
The radial clearance between the plate and the bowl is kept minimal (<0.3 mm) to reduce the powder leakage.
Purging air is supplied in this gap to prevent the falling of powder beneath the chequered plate. This air also helps for the evaporation of excess moisture from extrude and prevent particle agglomeration.
While rotating in the grooved plate with pre-desired groove size, the vermicelli will fragment into pieces with length equal to the diameter of extrudes.
Broken extrudes, because of the tangential force and centrifugal force, collide with the cylindrical wall of the spheronizer. The rotating rope type movement of extrudes at the outer border of the bowl gives a rolling action on the fragmented extrudes and it will be converted to spheres.
When the particles attain required spherical shape they are centrifugally discharged through the discharge door which opens into the discharge hopper.