The ArtiQ.PFT artificial intelligence (AI) software automates the interpretation of pulmonary function tests (PFTs). It reduces the administrative burden and allows pulmonologists to focus on clinical decision making and patient consult. ArtiQ.PFT uses artificial intelligence to support the detection of disease patterns early in the diagnostic process and thus holds the potential to reduce redundant testing.
Based on PFT data (spirometry, airways resistance, lung volumes and diffusion capacity) and patient characteristics (age, pack-years, sex, height, etc.), an automated report is generated in less than 1 second. Each report contains three key components, the PFT protocol, disease probabilities and recommendations for further steps.
Features & Benefits:
Seamless integration into SentrySuite Software.
Proven Impact in a multi-center study.
ArtiQ.PFT can help to avoid redundant additional tests, misdiagnoses as well as increased costs.
• Select in "Review" mode ArtiQ.PFT interprétation and optional integrate text into SentrySuite Report. Further interpret the report when needed and send to the Hospital Information System (HIS).
• Create ArtiQ.PFT interpretation report directly from "Visit View" and
open report.
• Patient information
• Protocol
• Disease probabilities
• Conclusions & suggestions
• Physicians & technicians comments via SentrySuite
• Spend your time wisely Spend your time on clinical decision making and patient consultation, not on PFT protocolling. While using
ArtiQ.PFT you can save up to 1,5 manhours every day.
• Boost your conslstency Standardize every PFT report at your center in line with international guidelines.