MostCareUp is the only monitor able to follow in real time and from beat to beat even the slightest haemodynamic variations in the patient.
Thanks to the patented algorithm based on the PRAM method (Pressure Recording Analytical Method), MostCareUp evaluates cardiac output and many other haemodynamic parameters without any prior calibration and in a totally operator-independent way, applicable therefore to each type of patient both in stable and highly unstable hemodynamic conditions.
An immediate, customisable interface can display a broad set of information regarding the preload, afterload, cardiac contractility and efficiency, which have become vitally important elements in optimising the treatment of high-risk patients and in defining the best haemodynamic settings for patients with alterations in their cardiovascular systems.
MostCareUp can display trends for many haemodynamic variables simultaneously. It is also possible to insert personalised markers during specific events (e.g. start treatment). The do&check function is designed specifically to help the clinic when monitoring haemodynamic variations following specific treatments (e.g. fluid challenge).
In summary, the main technical characteristics of this instrument are:
1000Hz sampling of the blood pressure waveform
Beat-to-beat analytical process of the entire blood pressure waveform (both systolic and diastolic phase)
The use of an unique and patented method (P.R.A.M.) for the evaluation of Cardiac Output and cardiovascular efficiency
An exclusive (patented) dynamic filter to reduce the resonance artifacts and to optimize the quality of the arterial blood pressure signal