Versatility – in positioning the Augment
Effective fixation - pore geometry of the TrabecuLink structure for effective cell ongrowth
Reproducible surgical technique
The latest material and fixation technologies have been taken into account and used in the design of the TrabecuLink Augments.
The TrabecuLink Augments offer an attractive solution in cases of segmental acetabular defects as a prosthetic alternative to structural allograft. The biocompatible material Tilastan-E1,2 and the TrabecuLink structure offer an excellent prerequisite for a stable and permanent treatment of bone defects.
Furthermore, the 3-dimensional TrabecuLink structure, with its pore size, porosity and structure depth, also provides an excellent basis for promoting osteoconduction and microvascularization, taking into account the requirements for the structure-covering protein layer (fibronectin - vitronectin - fibrinogen) .
The Augments can be combined with all Link cups, in particular with the MobileLink cup, which has variable options for placing bone screws, as the Augment design allows flexibility to put bone screws through shell and Augment.
In case of acetabular defects the combination of a LINK shell with TrabecuLink Augments can be the solution to help conserve the natural patient anatomic and kinematics.
The Augment size range allows good fit for different anatomies and defects
The Augment size range allows good fit for different anatomies and defects5
Variable bone screw angulation/options
The Augment design allows flexibility to put bone screws through shell and Augment – big recesses allow for great variability in positing the Augment5
Low Augment profile