An indirect agglutination kit for the detection of anti-streptolysin-O in human serum using latex particles coated with streptolysing-O.
60 e 100 determinations
ASLO (sem controle)
FR / Fator Reumatóide (com controle)
An indirect agglutination kit for the detection of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in human serum using latex particles coated with human IgG
60 e 100 determinations
FR/Fator Reumatóide (sem controle)
MNI / Mononucleose Infecciosa
An indirect agglutination kit for the detection of heterophile antibodies associated with Infectious Mononucleosis in serum using latex particles coated with stroma of erythrocytes from bovine.
60 e 100 determinations
PCR (com controle)
An indirect agglutination kit for the detection of CRP in human serum using latex particles coated with monoclonal anti-CRP antibody.
60 e 100 determinations
PCR (sem controle)