Accessing the power of normal-phase chromatography with the ease and reliability of reversed-phase chromatography is critical for separation scientists like you doing Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) applications.
With the Torus, Trefoil, and Viridis SFC Column chemistries and Waters SFC instrumentation, now your lab can achieve normal-phase alternative selectivity with reversed-phase ease and reliability - all while ensuring ease of scalability, column-to-column consistency, and reduced method development times. With these high-quality achiral and chiral SFC column chemistries, your lab can address difficult achiral and chiral separations, deliver novel selectivity and robustness, and achieve unequaled speed and unparalleled confidence.
High-quality, consistent, and reproducible columns
Handle achiral and chiral separations with unequaled speed and unparalleled confidence
Use for a wider range of compounds in a single sample
Highest efficiency and quality control (QC)-ready robustness
Scale from analytical to achiral SFC preparative chromatography
Rugged SFC preparative columns available in patented Optimum Bed Density (OBD) technology for excellent column lifetimes
Torus Column Characteristics
Torus 2-PIC (2-Picolylamine) Columns
General use achiral column yielding added compound retention and novel selectivity
Best choice for applications with both acidic and basic compounds
Scalable and available in analytical and preparative column dimensions
Enhanced performance compared to conventional 2-EP (2-ethylpyridine)