Airway management and ventilation are some of the most important, yet challenging situations EMS faces in the pre-hospital setting. And ventilation continues to be one of the most difficult aspects of high-performance CPR. With MEDUMAT EasyCPR, ventilation is consistent and reliable. MEDUMAT EasyCPR can be used with a basic mask, a supraglottic airway or an endotracheal tube, allowing responders to obtain a more consistent ventilation rate and tidal volume as a result of its controlled automatic ventilation.[1]
The main benefits of MEDUMAT EasyCPR
Can be easily integrated in the standard process for CPR & RSI
Simple to use with intuitive controls and predefined settings
Smalland lightweight
Combines Demandflow Mode, IPPV mode and manual ventilation
Allows one person to administer two mechanical breaths in less than five seconds
Consistent rate and volume
Demand flow mode for oxygenation of patients who are spontaneously breathing
Ventilation modes: Safely secure an airway
Our mobile ventilator MEDUMAT EasyCPR offers support when a patient requires intubation:
Demand flow Fode: Respiration-controlled oxygen inhalation
In demand flow mode, the device provides spontaneously breathing patients 100 % oxygen for inhalation via a ventilation. The ventilation is performed exclusively with the ventilation mask. Due to slight negative pressure on the patient valve an inspiration is triggered, oxygen flows until slight excess pressure interrupts the flow and expiration is via the patient valve.