EMOSAFE EN-100 built-in network isolators withstand 4600 VAC for one minute and support speeds of up to 100 megabits / s.
EMOSAFE EN-100 Network Isolators for PCB – assembly
EMOSAFE Network Isolators are used in copper-based Ethernet network connections in not only private, public, and commercial areas, but also especially in medical technology fields. Network Isolators serve to protect the patient and the operator from leakage currents.
They meet the high requirements that the international standard UL/IEC 60601-1 places upon galvanic separation devices in this area of application.
EMOSAFE EN-100 Isolators are available as a plug-in unit or as a solderable Version and isolates a 4.6KV AC Voltage for one Minute and constant AC Voltage of max. 400V.