Used to capture and record a patient’s maxillary arch and its relationship to the condyles
Quick and easy to use
Automatically centers for outstanding accuracy and patient comfort
May be sterilized by steam autoclave
Springbow Earpiece Facebow Complete Features:
Allows indirect or direct mounting to Hanau™ and Denar® articulators (except Hanau™ Model 145 or Denar® Mark 300 Series)
Comes complete with: Springbow, transfer clamp assembly, anterior elevating assembly, mounting platform with built-in cast support, bitefork and biteplane.
Springbow Direct Mounting Only Features:
Allows direct mounting to Hanau™ and Denar® articulators (except Hanau™ Model 145 or Denar® Mark 300 Series)
Comes complete with: Springbow, transfer clamp assembly, anterior elevating assembly and bitefork.