Compact: small dimensions and internal lyse storage
Useful: ideal in pediatrics, consumption of micro-volumes of sample. smart alarms
High connectivity
Efficiency: low reagent consumption, and only uses two lysers
Main features:
Smart alarms
Safe and simple to use
Software and operation manuals in your language
Convenient and powerful software design. Friendly interface, ideal for small laboratories
Full report customization
Measuring system:
Measurement principle:
Flow cytometry (FCM) + three-angle laser scattering + chemical staining method for 5-part differential analysis of WBC and for WBC counting. Electrical impedance method for RBC and PLT. Cyanide-free reagent for hemoglobin analysis
25 reportable: WBC, LYM (#,%), MON (#,%), NEU (#,%), BAS(#,%), EOS (#,%), RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC
24 research: LIC (% #), ALY (% #), PLT Clumps (# %), Lip (# %), NRBC (# %), Blast (# %), PDW-SD, NLR, PLR, Neu-X, Neu-Y, Neu-Z, Lym-X, Lym-Y, Lym-Z, Mon-X, Mon-Y, Mon-Z
Up to 250,000 results including graphs
Laser beam at three angles for volume, granularity, and complexity measurement + flow cytometry + chemical staining,
Channel separated by optical method for the measurement of basophils, gives a better performance to the basophil count compared to the electrical impedance method
Digital Sheath Flow (DSF): patented technology that allows the status of each cell to be monitored as it passes through the opening. This accuracy in measuring cell volume standardizes the shape of the histogram.