In addition to being an interlaboratory quality control program, Qualis Interlab can also manage internal quality control, with the help of specific statistical tools.
Ideal online software for the management of your laboratory's internal and interlaboratory quality control. It provides statistical tools that facilitate the diagramming of the quality control strategy, saving money, reagents and time. Ensuring a reliable result for the patient is possible. With downloadable PDF monthly reports, you can have the information you need to make decisions, evaluate performance and trends of the different analytes and improve those performances. It provides easy-to-interpret graphs and tables of the data. Participating in an interlaboratory quality control program also allows you to identify and differentiate your own or generalized problems, speeding up their resolution.
Online software with access from any device with internet
5 monthly reports
Levey–Jennings and Youden plots
Possibility of automatic data loading with Qualis net software
Consolidated peer groups
Different levels of user access
Facilitates interpretation of QC data