The nursing shortage is already a reality in many communities worldwide. The number of people in need of care is rising rapidly while, at the same time, there is not enough nursing staff available to successfully cope with this development.
SafeSense® 3 consists of a completely contactless, patented sensor pad which is positioned under the mattress and detects the smallest pressure changes in real time. This allows the movement activity of residents or patients to be recorded and the visualised data can be used to draw valuable conclusions about their individual movement profile.
Pressure injury prophylaxis and falls prevention
Hazards such as pressure injuries and falls can be detected early and corresponding warning messages can be recorded silently as desired or forwarded as an active DECT call. The declared aim of this new technology is to reduce the number of patrols and custodial measures and to increase the safety of patients and residents.
Your benefits at a glance
Real time movement monitoring
Information about lack of exercise in bed → Detection of pressure injury risks
24 h motion profile → Data history for anamnesis
Effective storage management → More time for care
Overview of bed occupancy → Transparency for the entire care sector
Bed exit indication silent or via call system → Resident-individual setting
Effective prioritization of control rounds → For relief during night and weekend shifts
Care monitor for smartphone, tablet and PC
→ High transparency due to the traffic light principle
→ 24 h continuous resident monitoring in bed
→ Important information for care planning and documentation