Key Benefits
Full array of implant choices (INFINITY™, INBONE™, INVISION™) to fit the patient’s specific needs
Ability to create a detailed revision surgical plan with or without failed implants currently in place
3D visualization of how to manage bone loss and reconstruct joint height under unique revision conditions
PROPHECY Ankle CT Scan Protocol
Preoperative Navigation Reports and
Guides are patient-specific tools for total ankle replacement surgery. Adherence to this
lower extremity CT protocol of the ankle, with knee, is critical for success. In every case,
please follow these instructions:
Patient Position
The foot of interest should be positioned in neutral (90°) to the leg. FIGURE 1
NOTE: If this is not possible due to a patient’s condition, such as severe
contracture, ensure the CT scan contains slices through the ball of the
foot (see bottom of next page).
If a contra-lateral implant is present, bend the contra-lateral limb out of
the field of view of the ankle to be scanned. FIGURE 2
Do not allow patient movement between or during scans.
Scanning Instructions
Helical, axial, and cone beam CT modes are acceptable.
Bone or Standard algorithms are acceptable.
No contrast agent is to be used.
All scan groups’ edges should stay aligned. See dashed lines, next page.
• Maintain a single coordinate system for both the knee and foot scan.
• Maintain a consistent field of view and pixel size for both the knee and
foot scan.
• Adjusting the width of both knee and foot groups together to span
the required anatomy of both groups is appropriate.