Key Benefits
Soft Tissue “wrap-around” reduces subluxation
Rounded corners to reduce implant stress
Simple instrumentation
The TIE-IN® Trapezium implant was developed to restore function to
the CMC joint that has been disabled by degenerative arthritis
and/or traumatic arthritis.
It is a single stemmed, flexible implant that replaces the trapezium
and is inserted in the first metacarpal. This implant is made of a
silicone elastomer.
Proper surgical procedures and techniques are the responsibility of
the medical professional. Each surgeon must evaluate the
appropriateness of the procedure used based on personal medical
training and experience. Wright Medical Technology, Inc. cannot
recommend a particular surgical technique suitable for all patients.
• Pain and palpable crepitation localized at the base of the thumb
• Motion, grip strength, and pinch decreased
• Arthritic changes evident on X-ray
• Conservative treatment possible
• Inadequate skin, bone, or neurovascular structures
• Irreparable tendon system
Ideally Suited Patients:
• Pantrapezial arthritis
• Poor bone quality
• MP joints with less than 20º of dynamic hyperextension
• Limited thumb adduction deformity
Incision of choice is an extended volar curvilinear. Distally
between the glabrous and non-glabrous skin over the
thenar eminence, curving slightly volar at the distal wrist
flexion crease and extending proximally for 3.0cm along
the radial side of the FCR tendon.
Identify and protect the radial artery coursing obliquely
over the dorsal body of the trapezium. Sharply dissect
the FCR free