Resuscitation bags
SÖHNGEN® resuscitation bags can be disassembled into the individual components for cleaning and put back together in a self-explanatory way. It is also very easy and cost-effective to exchange individual parts in the valve system.
Resuscitator,Adult, Economy -
Resuscitator, Baby, Translucent Model -
Resuscitator, Baby, Antistatic Model -
Resuscitator, Adult disposable -
Resuscitator, Child disposable -
Resuscitator, Baby disposable
SÖHNGEN® resuscitation bags are complete units which enable all of the options of emergency ventilation.
The SÖHNGEN® resuscitation blanket BT-DRY, Air-Vita® and DuoVent represent various systems of appliances to help with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, including for first aid providers.