Silver/silver chloride (Ag-AgCl) is recognized worldwide as a stable, low noise reference electrode. It is reversible, which means it can pass an electric current without changing the chemical environment in the immediate vicinity of the electrode. These sensors are less prone to artifact than metal electrodes.
Grentek Pre-wired sintered Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag-AgCl) electrode lead wires are made from fine grain, homogeneous mixture of Silver-Silver Chloride, and processed to superior hardness and mechanical strength, sold with silver wire and sealed with well approved resin.
They can be used wherever electric potentials are measured in electrolytic environment, be it the full field of human- and animal electrophysiology, but also in Biochemistry, Oceanography, Geology, and many others.
Greentek Pre-wired sintered Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag-AgCl) electrode lead wires are non-polarizable and never need rechloriding. They give noise-free signal over the whole frequency range, and are especially suited for registration of DC-potentials, as their own electrode potential is very small and very equal between individual sensors, thus giving a drift-free signal.
Technical Parameters:
• AC impedance: ≤25 Ω.cm²(10Hz)
• DC Offset electric potential: ≤180 µV
• Potential drift: ≤180 µV per hour
• Noise: peak value ≤1 µV(1Hz)
• Thickness≤5 mm