CPV/CCV test kit
Canine parvovirus (CPV) and CCV are potential pathogens for enteritis. Although their symptoms are quite the same, their virulence
is different. CCV is the second leading viral cause of diarrhea in puppies with canine parvovirus being the leader. Unlike CPV,
CCV infections are not generally associated with high death rates. CCV is not new to the canine population. Dual CCV-CPV
infections were identified in 15-25% of cases of severe enteritis in the USA. Another study showed that CCV was found in 44% of
fatal gastro-enteritis cases that were initially identified as only CPV disease. CCV has been widespread among the canine
population for many years. The age of dog is also important. If a disease occurs in puppy, it often leads to death. In mature dog
the symptoms are more gentle. The possibility for healing is higher. Puppies less than twelve weeks of age are at the greatest
risk and some especially weaker ones will die if exposed and infected. A combined infection leads to a much more severe disease
than occurs with either CCV or CPV alone and is often fatal.