The system is designed to manipulate 2 or more bonesegments in relation to each other: by separating themslowly to create new bone, by altering their relativeposition to correct a deformity, or by doing both procedurestogether. This is achieved by means of 2 or 3 bone screwsin each bone segment. The screws are fixed firmly in screwseats in clamps on the Advanced Rail; these clamps canthen be moved along the axis of the rail. Angulation andtranslation of one bone segment in relation to another ispossible.Acute correction is performed using acute angularcorrection templates, whereas gradual correction is doneusing progressive correction clamps. In conjunction withaT-Garches Clamp, accurate correction of varus or valgusdeformities at the knee (either acutely or gradually througha hemicallotasis technique) is enabled.
The Advanced LRSprovides the following benefits for the surgeon:
-Availability of radiolucent components
-Stability and safety in corrections
-Short learning curve
1.Advanced Rail
2.Advanced Straight Clamp
3.Advanced Metaphyseal Clamp
4.Advanced Inclination Clamp
5.Advanced Dyna-Ring
6.Advanced Ring Hinge