The Wyn-CE capillary electrophoresis instrument has an original modular design. Incorporated into a single enclosure, the device’s modules are easily accessible and interchangeable to simplify maintenance and upgrade the system to meet needs and usage.
For teaching and training in capillary electrophoresis, the instrument is declined in its simplest configuration. He favors accessibility to important elements of the instrument, and highlights the stages of separation.
The simplicity of handling the device and the robustness of its manual sampler is enhanced by the user-friendliness of a touch control interface, with clear menus and direct control functions.
Washing and injections are performed by a simple and reliable cathode vial aspiration system. The self-reversible high voltage +/- 30 kV maximum allows it to obtain the best performances of the market.
It is equipped as standard with a single-wavelength UV absorbance detector, supplemented on demand by a contactless conductivity sensor (C4D) or Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF).