XF3800 color doppler ultrasound system applications include abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, blood vessels, small organs, urology, neonates and pediatrics. Includes scanning modes such as B / CFM / PDI / PW / CW / M and provides excellent resolution and sensitivity. Support convex array probe, linear array probe, convex probe, cavity probe, phased array probe, 4D probe. Integrated network ultrasound workstation, support for DICOM transmission. Using embedded computing system, the system is safe, stable and high-speed operation into one.The XF3800 is a value choice beyond your expectation!
• Optional 3D or 4D
• Compact fuselage, easy to move
• Flexible lifting panel
• Trapezoidal imaging
• Reverse Tissues Harmonic Imaging
• Two-level backlit keyboard, more convenient to operate
• lt can meet the needs of clinical diagnosis and improve the confidence of diagnosis.
• Broadband frequency shift harmonic imaging
• It can effectively reduce noise and improve contrast resolution
• Intelligent speckle noise suppression imaging
Intelligent speckle noise suppression technology can intelligently identify different tissue information in different spatial dimensions, inhibit the display of speckle noise edge information, and make the image more exquisite
• Intelligent space composite imaging
Intelligent spatial composite imaging technology, through spatial multi-angle deflection scanning, updates echo signals received from different angles in real time, continuously updates fusion imaging, effectively inhibits random noise and clutter signals under the premise of guaranteeing the temporal resolution, enhances the target organization display,