Equipped with the photon-counting direct conversion X-ray detector, which
represents a new generation of direct imaging technology, our SRS provides
crystal clear and informative X-ray images. It enables easier identification of small
calcifications and tissue lesions.
Features & Benefits
Photon counting X-ray detector:
direct conversion; large imaging area; fast imaging; robust and temperature-and-
humidity tolerant
• - Pixel size: 70 um;
• - Grayscale: 16 bit;
24-inch medical-grade monitor:
24-inch medical-grade monitor facilitates easy determination of surgical margins
• Easy adjustment of angles to accommodate users' viewing preferences
• Seamless design facilitates easy cleaning and disinfection
• Small footprint saves space in the operating room
Large area imaging
18x18cm effective image area meets the imaging needs of coarse needle biopsies and surgical excision of pathological tissue